Our dream

At Silva, we dream of making the cacao world a better place for all: farmers, supply chain partners, chocolate makers and consumers. 

We believe in a different way of doing business by sourcing cacao with an identity, building meaningful partnerships together and investing time, money, and energy in our partners. We are committed to doing everything we can to ensure that our environment and society evolve in a sustainable way.

Inspire others

Driven by our passion for cacao and quality we believe in an authentic and transparent way of doing business and we want to share our passion and knowledge with you. We hope to inspire everyone involved in the cacao industry, from farmer to consumer, with our approach to grow, source, produce and promote premium, fair and sustainable cacao. Only if we work together can we realize our chocolate dream.

Our promises

Silva’s 5 promises to chocolate lovers


Specialty cacao with a distinctive flavour profile from exclusive places


Conservation & protection of cacao and forests for future generations


A fair income for cacao farmers and their families


Decent labour conditions, banning child labour and slavery


A real and human story about flavour, forest, farmers & the future to share with your clients and friends

The steps towards a better chocolate world

We cooperate closely with our partners to develop a better cacao and chocolate world. We address the multiple dimensions of sustainability with a systemic approach to create success for all those involved.

Since each cacao origin is different, we adapt our approach based on the needs and context of each area and producer. We make a difference by applying the following four principles that are deeply embedded in Silva’s sourcing policy.  Also, we want to engage everybody in applying these principles.

Fair income

We are driven to build meaningful partnerships that are stable and meant to be maintained for the future.

For each contract, we make direct price agreements with the farmers, paying premiums. A premium is not a given, but the result of quality and sustainable performances. Premiums enable farmers to invest in their own future and in their families. We promote the diversification of farms, which allows them to produce more crops and increase resilience and family income.

Conserving & restoring forests

The massive expansion of cacao plantations has been a major driver for deforestation worldwide. The producers and plantations we work with grow cacao trees in sustainable agroforestry systems, conserve their natural resources and do not cut down primary forest. 

Forests are critical habitats for biodiversity, and essential for the provision of a wide range of ecosystem services.

Decent labour conditions

Worldwide, over two million children work in cacao plantations, in some cases as slaves. These children can’t go to school, develop their skills, or build a future. According to research, one of the main causes of child labour is poverty. By paying premiums we break the vicious circle of poverty and build honest cacao supply chains.

Join forces & Connect

We need to work together to make this happen. The commitment and engagement of all of us, allows us to connect, share and evolve together. 

Silva supports the Sustainable Development Goals and actively contributes towards a green, resilient and inclusive economy.

We invite you to join forces with us for a better cacao and chocolate world.