By planting this tree, you contributed to the restoration of a 200 km

ecological corridor in the Northern Mountain Range of the Dominican Republic.

Where is my tree planted?

Your tree will be planted at 19°25’50’’ N, 70° 10’25’’ W. While this area is not completely deforested, there are some notable gaps where forest has been cut down. By replanting trees in those areas, we contribute to create a continuous 200 km ecological corridor where flora and fauna can flourish. The corridor is a passageway for animals to migrate and increase their territory. The newly planted trees are also a carbon sink to capture CO2 from the atmosphere and help to mitigate climate change.

What tree species are planted?

In order to maximize the CO2 capturing capacity and biodiversity of this area, it was decided to plant a mix of native trees, including some large trees with a large canopy, as well as faster and slower growing plant species. The trees with the large canopy, Stercculia, Ceiba, and Hura species are planted every 12 meters.  In between these larger trees the slower growing species, Carapa, Callophyllum, Catalpa, Ocotea, Guarea, etc. are planted. The fast growing species, Simarouba, Inga, Coloubrina, Cedrela and Schefflera, are situated every 3 meters.

Who will plant the trees and when?

The tree seeds will be raised in a nursery at the start of 2022, where a team from Zorzal will take care of the seedlings. When these are big enough and ready for transplanting, farmers living along the corridor will plant the trees. To thank the farmers for their hard work and continuous efforts to restore the forest corridor, they are compensated accordingly. Because seedlings love a good hydrating flush of water, planting will take place in the rain season from April to September 2022.

How do I know that my tree is still alive?

The Zorzal team will monitor the tree growth and Silva will report back to you in our Friday Bean Press mailings. For those of you who want to know more about this forest restoration project, you know where to find us!

What if I want to contribute more?

Just keep doing what you do best – making yummy chocolate! Part of the proceeds from Zorzal cacao sale is invested in the forest reforestation projects, so you are already contributing. If you would like to contribute more, let us know. We would be happy to help you plant more trees, and give back to Mother Earth!


Reporting Tree Planting Progress in the Dominican Republic.


We identified 30 potential candidate farms for restoration/ reforestation. We reached out to these farmers and worked with them to restore 16.78 hectares of land by planting cacao and native tree species that can be certified as Bird Friendly cacao in the future.

A total of 20,160 trees were planted; partially cacao trees and partially native tree species. Together with our customers we planted 600 trees. These 600 trees offset 4167 kg of CO2 annually. The average life cycle of a tree is 30 years. This will result in a total of 125 Ton of CO2 that will be compensated for.

We are extremely proud of these results and will continue this work in other regions as well.