VENEZUELA – Carabobo Canoabo

Canoabo in Northern Venzuela breaths cacao, culture and forest. This single farm,  is a historical treasure with modernized techniques to express on of the best cacao nature has to offer.


  • Region: Carabobo, north central Venezuela
  • Source: Single Farm


  • Variety: local genetics & hybrids
  • Flavour: nutty, chocolate fudge, dried raisins, molasses, tabacco
  • Fermentation: Centrally, 6 days wooden boxes
  • Drying: sun-dried on patio
  • Packing: 60kg sisal bags


organically grown, not certified

Supply Chain

100% traceable upto single farm Hacienda San Cayetano


Cacao has been grown for decades in this region, and is being taken care of by local farmers.

Forest & Nature

Cacao grows in agroforestry under canopy of natural forest, no chemical fertilisers and pesticide are being used.

More Information? Contact us here!

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