Uganda: Launching a Brand New Cacao Origin

The fresh cocoa harvest from Uganda has just arrived in the port of Antwerp and is ready to be shipped and turned into delicious chocolate! The start of 2022 is a great moment to introduce you to these brand new cacao.

Fact or Fiction: Is there such a thing as “pure Criollo”?

We often get inquiries from chocolate makers whether we have Criollo beans in our range. The first question we ask ourselves is "why do customers specifically want Criollo beans?" Are they looking for unique beans? Complex flavors? White beans? Because of the fascination many people have with Criollo beans, we thought it would be a good idea to take a closer look at the origin of Criollo, the typical associations that are often made with Criollo (think delicate, expensive, super aromatic, etc.) , and why we prefer to talk beyond genetics.

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