Driving for Change with Kokoa Kamili

Did you know “Kamili” means ABSOLUTELY in Swahili? Synonyms of absolutely are precise, exact, unconditionally, unquestionably… All those words expresses what Kokao Kamili means to us! The work ethics of Kokoa Kamili are 100% aligned with our approach of taking care of flavor, forests, farmers and the future. This is why Silva Cacao is beyond proud to feature Kokoa Kamili in its gamma, a cacao that turned already many chocolate makers into award winners!

Wildlife, Savanna, Forest… and Cacao

Thinking of Tanzania images from The Lion King spring to mind: herds of wildlife crossing the waving grass of the Serengeti plains with the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro in the background. Not many people know that Tanzania is also the origin of great tasting cacao. Kokoa Kamili cacao grows in the Kilombero Valley at a 15 hours car ride from the commercial capital Dar es Salaam. During the trip you are certain to come across giraffes, gazelles and even elephants.

Despite its importance for food production and biodiversity, the Kilombero Valley is facing serious challenges, such as declines in water quantity, water pollution, and degrading wetlands and forests. Kokoa Kamili cacao grows in small-scale agroforestry and is intercropped with shade trees, bananas, corn and other crops. This production system is an ecological alternative for mono-plantations and helps to preserve biodiversity. It also creates a natural buffer zone for the Udzungwa Mountains National Park, a birdwatchers’ paradise and famous for its primates, elephants and vast variety in flora.

A Tradition of Growing Organic Cacao

Smallholder cacao farmers in the Kilombero Valley are practicing organic farming since time immemorial, simply because pesticides and chemical fertilizers were not available. In 2015 this was officially awarded with organic certification for Europe, the US and Japan!

A total of 4,000 farmers receive training on good agricultural practices, and seedlings to help increase the quality of the cacao they grow. While all the farmers practice organic farming, about 1,200 farmers are certified organic. Both certified and non-certified farmers receive consistently higher prices, and are very happy to sell their beans to Kokoa Kamili. This is a very welcome addition to the family income of these subsistence farmers, who generally own less than 2 hectares of land.

Kamili Results in Delicious Flavour

Tanzanian cacao has an inherent delicious flavour – due to its genetics and growing environment it can be superior cacao. However, fermentation and drying are not always – not to say seldom –  up to standard, and most cacao is sold to the bulk market. Kokoa Kamili invested in the all-important post-harvesting techniques, thereby utilizing the potential of the beans to become fine cacao. Wet cacao beans are bought at the farm gate and transported to Kokoa Kamili’s collection centers and afterwards transported to the post-harvesting centre. There the beans are pre-drained overnight in polypropylene bags and afterwards fermented for 6 days in 3-tier wooden boxes lined with banana leaves. Once fermentation is completed the beans are sun-dried on African beds for 5 to 7 days while being raked constantly, and drying continues until moisture levels of 7% are being reached. After screening and sorting the beans are packed in 60 kg jute or sisal bags and shipped to the port of Dar es Salaam.

The meticulous work of Kokoa Kamili results in a wonderful, round flavor profile. It has some acidity, notes of red fruits, berries, plums, and sour cherry, a surprising subtile floral notes of violet and rose with a complementary vegetative undertone and chocolaty finish. In other words, something for everybody and a pleasure to work with!