Nicaragua: A Land of Flavour Diversity

Although cacao has always existed in Nicaragua, it was never an important export product. Only in 1990s the potential of cacao for the national economy became apparent and production has increased steadily. What makes Nicaraguan cacao so good? Let's explore this a bit more.

Meet the Makers: Ellen and Luca from GoGround India

We had the opportunity to have a long talk with Ellen and Luca from GoGround and heard their journey from a romance in Hyderabad to a professional cacao-processing unit in Kerala. It is a story full of highs and lows. We are sure you'll appreciate India Idukki cacao even more after reading this!

Positive Focus on Carbon Negative Supply Chain

At Silva, we generally like to think we are positive: positive mind set, making positive impact in the field, and positive that specialty cacao and craft chocolate will conquer the world to make it a better place and we are now proud to announce that we are certified as CO2 neutral company.

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